About SVL

The Spirit and Wine Suppliers Association, SVL, was established in 1998 and is the official swedish industry association for importers and manufacturers of wine and spirit beverages.

We gather today more than 50 member companies, who all sell their products to the Swedish retail alcohol monopoly Systembolaget, as well as to companies with licenses to serve alcohol, mainly hotels and restaurants. Together, all our members, represent more than 90% of Systembolaget’s fixed assortment and we are key players within the swedish food and beverage industry. SVL endorses the Swedish retail alcohol monopoly and support its assignment to sell alcoholic beverages responsibly, controlled and with quality-assurance.

Our mission

SVL principal mission is to protect the common interests of our members. SVL strives for a contemporary alcohol policy, sustainable business conditions for the industry, and the promotion of healthy attitudes to alcohol as well as responsible consumption patterns. Our operational focus covers comittment to matters related to trade, production, sales & marketing and consumption. SVL expects that its members conduct their undertakings in a sustainable way – both environmentally and socially. Our objective is that alcohol consumption is characterised by awareness, knowledge, and interest in the contents of the products and its effects.

Our Organisation

Our activities are led by a board with representatives from member companies and a secretariat with a CEO. Day-to-day work is divided between three committees.

The CEO is Elisabeth Due and the chairman is Kent Persson.

International collaboration

The Swedish alcohol beverage sector operates as part of a cross-border industry with strong international links. Within the EU, SVL is a member of spiritsEurope and Comité de Vins (CEEV).

Contact information

SVL – Sprit & Vinleverantörsföreningen
Rådmansgatan 40
113 57 Stockholm
+46 8-20 95 63